[ 四川比能信电气有限公司 ]
ultrasonic cleaning machi
Standard ultrasonic machi
Chemical fiber ultrasonic
Non-woven dedicated
Multifunction bearings
Magnetic materials
Powder Metallurgy
Wire ultrasound
Aluminum foil ultrasonic
Steel strip ultrasonic
Gas Ultrasonic Cleaner
Manual/automatic silicon
Precision Metal
Manipulator Automatic
Gantry automatic
Suspension chain fully au
Double-stranded drive
Through automatic stencil
Automatic drum
Optical lenses
Glass Washing Machine

National Service Hotline: 
              400 -658-1258
Phone :028-85791385
Fax :028 -85618621
Phone :153-0820-9790 (Mr. Sun)
Website: www.sc-bnx.com
E-mail: cd_bnx@163.com
Address: Sichuan Chengdu Shuangliu 
          County, Jiujiang Industrial Park

Your present position:detailed information

Product Features:
Machine equipment for the closed structure, with steel doors and windows package, to facilitate observation operation.
The equipment at the upper and lower levels, the upper dry layer, the lower wash layer, saving space.
Concentration of single-ended operation control device (operation expected out in the same side, only one person operation).
The equipment cleaning speed, high cleanliness can reduce labor intensity, and can be completed in one production line to dry the whole from the parts cleaning process.
Using chain drive, basket-style hanging washing, can be automatic or manual loading and unloading.
Can be made of stainless steel cleaning tank, the bottom of the boat-shaped structure was to facilitate the discharge and cleaning.
The tank has a reservoir, with a circulation filter system, heating temperature control system, liquid level protection system.
Drive motor with inverter control, adjustable speed.
Package of equipment operated by the PLC control, with manual, automatic two operating systems, cleaning time can be panel switch selection, expected to run to the basket station after cleaning tank into the swing up and down 4-6 times, enhance the cleaning effect.
Electrical control system is equipped with sound and light alarm devices, anti-error protection.
Scope of Application:
mainly for automotive components, bearings, crankshaft connecting rod, water pumps, brake pump, brake pads and other small metal parts.

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Copyright chrunsoft © Sichuan than can belief Electric Co., Ltd. Tel: (028) -85791385   Fax :028 -85618621   phone :153-0820-9790 (Mr. Sun)
Hotline :400 -658-1258    E-mail: cd_bnx@163.com
website: Shu ICP No. 13006022 Address: Chengdu Jiujiang Industrial Park, 2003-2013 All Rights Reserved