[ 四川比能信电气有限公司 ]
ultrasonic cleaning machi
Standard ultrasonic machi
Chemical fiber ultrasonic
Non-woven dedicated
Multifunction bearings
Magnetic materials
Powder Metallurgy
Wire ultrasound
Aluminum foil ultrasonic
Steel strip ultrasonic
Gas Ultrasonic Cleaner
Manual/automatic silicon
Precision Metal
Manipulator Automatic
Gantry automatic
Suspension chain fully au
Double-stranded drive
Through automatic stencil
Automatic drum
Optical lenses
Glass Washing Machine

National Service Hotline: 
              400 -658-1258
Phone :028-85791385
Fax :028 -85618621
Phone :153-0820-9790 (Mr. Sun)
Website: www.sc-bnx.com
E-mail: cd_bnx@163.com
Address: Sichuan Chengdu Shuangliu 
          County, Jiujiang Industrial Park

Your present position: contact

National Service Hotline :400 -658-1258
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Sichuan Bi Neng Xin Electric Co., Ltd.
Phone :028-85791385
Fax :028 -85618621
Phone :153-0820-9790
Website: www.sc-bnx.com
Address: Chengdu · Jiujiang Industrial Park
Bus: Take 836A 836B 840 line and get off in three groups of ten thousand village station, walk 130 m can be reached.
1) traveling along the Wu Hing Road, go straight into a good give a lift
2) travel 1.4 km along good Shun, left front turning into the grass Golden Road West Extension Line
3) along the grass Golden Road West Extension lane 560 meters to reach the end (on the right side of the road)



Copyright chrunsoft © Sichuan than can belief Electric Co., Ltd. Tel: (028) -85791385   Fax :028 -85618621   phone :153-0820-9790 (Mr. Sun)
Hotline :400 -658-1258    E-mail: cd_bnx@163.com
website: Shu ICP No. 13006022 Address: Chengdu Jiujiang Industrial Park, 2003-2013 All Rights Reserved