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ultrasonic cleaning machi
Standard ultrasonic machi
Chemical fiber ultrasonic
Non-woven dedicated
Multifunction bearings
Magnetic materials
Powder Metallurgy
Wire ultrasound
Aluminum foil ultrasonic
Steel strip ultrasonic
Gas Ultrasonic Cleaner
Manual/automatic silicon
Precision Metal
Manipulator Automatic
Gantry automatic
Suspension chain fully au
Double-stranded drive
Through automatic stencil
Automatic drum
Optical lenses
Glass Washing Machine

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The composition and characteristics of ultrasonic cleaning machine
time:2013-3-26 read:5587 order  

Super wave cleaning machine consists of ultrasonic cleaning tank and ultrasonic generator two parts. Ultrasonic cleaning slot with a sturdy elastic, corrosion-resistant, high-quality stainless steel, bottom mounted ultrasonic transducer oscillator; ultrasonic generator high frequency and high voltage, conduction through the cable link line to the transducer, transducer vibration plate with generating a high-frequency resonance, so that the cleaning bath of the solvent was washed by ultrasonic action on the dirt.

Edit this paragraph ultrasonic cleaning characteristics

1, good cleaning effect, high cleanliness and cleanliness of all workpieces

Cleaning speed, improve production efficiency, do not need the staff contact cleaning solution, safe and reliable ultrasonic cleaning machine 3, also clean deep hole, slit and workpiece shelter

4, no damage to the surface of the workpiece, such as solvents, heat, workplaces and labor savings.

Ultrasonic cleaning than conventional cleaning method is more complicated, as some of the surface of the workpiece surface uneven, the mechanical parts of the blind hole, particularly small and higher requirements on cleanliness products, such as: watches and precision machinery parts, electronic components, circuit board assembly, ultrasonic cleaning to achieve the desired results.

Ultrasonic cleaning process and the choice of cleaning fluid

Before buying cleaning system, the response to be cleaned pieces do application analysis:

1. Clear pieces of material to be washed, and the structure and number;

2. Analysis and clear you want to clear the dirt;

The decision to use cleaning method to determine the application of water-based cleaning fluid or solvent, and ultimately to be done cleaning experiments.

Only in this way, in order to provide a suitable cleaning systems, the rational design of the cleaning process as well as the cleaning solution.

The choice of chemicals

Taking into account the influence of the physical characteristics of the cleaning liquid for ultrasonic cleaning, wherein the vapor pressure, surface tension, viscosity and density should be the most significant factors. Temperature can affect these factors, and so it also affects the efficiency of the cavitation effect.

Any cleaning system must use a cleaning solution. The aqueous systems usually by exposure slot, immersion in which the workpiece. Complex systems by multiple slots and with circulating filtration system, rinse tank, drying tank, as well as other accessories.

Using a solvent system for the ultrasonic vapor dividing grease cleaning machines, often equipped with waste continuous recovery unit. The ultrasonic vapor remove grease the process by solvent evaporation tank and ultrasonic immersion tank integrated multi-slot system completed. In the hot solvent vapor and ultrasonic agitation under the joint action of the oils, fats, waxes, and other solvent-soluble dirt is removed. After a series of cleaning process the workpiece material under heat, clean and dry.

Choice of cleaning solution, you should consider the following three factors:

Cleaning efficiency: choose the most effective cleaning solvent, be sure to experiments. As in the introduction of ultrasound, the solvent used is generally no need to change the existing cleaning processes;

Simple operation: the use of liquid should be safe and non-toxic, easy operation and long service life;

Cost: The cheapest cost of the use of cleaning solvents is not necessarily the lowest. To the cleaning efficiency of the solvent, safety must be considered in using a certain amount of solvent may be cleaning the number of factors such as the workpiece maximum utilization. Of course, the choice of cleaning solvent must achieve a cleaning effect, and should be compatible with the cleaning of the workpiece material. Water for most ordinary cleaning fluid, so the use of water-based solution system is easy to operate, the use of low-cost, and widely used. However, for some materials and dirt does not apply in an aqueous solution, then there are many solvents are available.

Cleaning parts processing

Another consideration is the ultrasonic cleaning on cleaning items, cutting or placed cleaning parts tooling design. Ultrasonic cleaning tank cleaning items, regardless of the cleaning items or cleaning items basket not touch the bottom of the channel. The total cross-sectional area of ​​the cleaning items should not exceed 70% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the ultrasonic tank. Rubber as well as non-stiffening plastic will absorb ultrasonic energy, and therefore such material for tooling caution. Insulation cleaning items should also be given special attention. Tooling basket poorly designed or to the Sheng workpiece too heavy, even if the best efficiency of the ultrasonic cleaning system will also be greatly reduced. Any material, if the mesh is greater than 50 mesh, on the performance of the ultrasonic performance of the entity, and the ultrasonic wave reflected back. When the mesh is greater than 1/4 inch, for the ultrasonic, to demonstrate the performance of the open-type material. Hooks, shelves, and beakers can be used to support the cleaning items.

Technical parameters

Ultrasonic frequency:

When the low frequency (within the range of human hearing) and will generate noise. Frequencies below 20kHz noise at work not only become very large, and may exceed the noise limits of safety regulations by the Occupational Safety and Health Act or other regulations. In a high power is required to remove dirt of application without regard to the workpiece surface damage is usually selected from within the range of 20kHz to 30kHz lower cleaning frequency within the frequency range of the cleaning frequency is often used for cleaning large, heavy parts or high density material the workpiece.

HF is generally used for cleaning of smaller, more sophisticated parts, or to remove fine particles. Damage the workpiece surface does not allow the application of high frequency also used. Use high-frequency to improve the cleaning performance from several aspects. Cavitation bubble quantity increases linearly with increasing frequency, so that it can enter into a smaller gap, thereby generating more intensive shockwave. If the power is kept unchanged, the cavitation bubbles smaller, corresponding reduction of the energy released, this effectively reduces the damage to the workpiece surface. Another advantage of high frequency the reduced viscous boundary layer (mooring the Nuri effect), the ultrasonic able to 'find' tiny particles. Commonly used frequency products on the market 28KHz, 32KHz, 40kHz.

Power density:

Power density = emission power (W) / emission area (cm2), typically ≥ 0.5W/cm2 the higher the power density of the ultrasonic wave, the stronger the effect of cavitation, cleaning the faster, the better the cleaning effect, but long, high density cleaning, cleaning the surface of objects likely to cause cavitation corrosion.

Cleaning temperature:

In general, ultrasound at 50 ℃ -85 ℃, the best results.

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